Control Horn - Bevelled Washer - Orientation

Question: The bevelled washer that is a component of the control horn assembly can be oriented in two ways... either with the flat surface facing towards the bolt head or with the flat surface facing away from the bolt head. Which is correct?

Answer: Well in most cases it really does not matter. The main thing is to keep the bolt and lock washer hand snug so that nothing loosens up.

The assembly and operations manuals generally show the washer with the flat side of the washer towards the control surface and the tapered side of the washer facing towards the bolt head.

We actually prefer doing it the other way around so that the flat side of the washer is facing the towards the bolt head and the tapered side of the washer is facing towards the control surface. This helps self center the washer in the control horn hole thereby aligning the entire control horn at right angles to the control surface. This does NOT work well on smaller models with thin control surfaces. For thin control surfaces always have the flat side of the washer facing the control surface.