Wing - Ailerons Loose on Torque Rods - How to Tighten

Question: The ailerons on my VMAR ARF are activated by torque rods running from the center of the wing. The torque rods are a bit sloppy where they enter the aileron. I am not sure if they were like this from the get go or if this arose after flying for a while. How can I fix this?

Answer: Fill the slack space around the torque rods where they enter the ailerons using Medium or Thick CA.

Better Answer: Hold the wing so that the ailerons are pointing with their leading edge facing upwards and deflect the ailerons one at a time so that the hinge line is clearly visible. Apply ZAP-A-GAP Medium CA or SLO-ZAP thick CA down into the torque rod holes in the aileron leading edge. Apply a small amount of ZIP KICKER accelerator and then more CA until the hole is solidly filled with CA. Let cure thoroughly. Test to ensure there is no remaining slop before flying.