VMAR - Adhesives - Should I add more of my own?

Question: Some of my friends tell me that I should goop up all the pre-assembled joints of every ARF with EPOXY or other heavy duty adhesive because ARF manufacturers skimp on adhesives and if I can't see the adhesive it can't be there. Should I do this?

Answer: This is not necessary with VMAR ARFS. We use primarily PVA and CA which dry pretty well clear. We also know how to use these adhesives in an industrial setting so that they don't run all over the place. We also use Epoxy for major structural areas like firewalls and this is easier to see. Frankly, when you add more adhesive on your own,  you are adding weight, spending money on adhesives and likely accomplishing precious little else.

We have built and flown literally hundreds of VMAR ARF's since 1998. We have never supplemented a joint with extra adhesive and we have never had a structural failure. That gives us quite a bit of confidence in saying that the adhesives we use and the way we use them give good results.  

To make everyone a bit more comfortable and to cater somewhat to those who advise to get out your trowel and ladle on the 30 minute epoxy... here is what we would recommend if you want to add a little adhesive on your own.

First of all, this does not apply to the wing joint. Follow the assembly instructions re the wing joint... use only 30 minute epoxy for joining wings.

Aside from the wing joint:

  • Work with adequate ventilation when using adhesives. Avoid skin and eye contact. Do not breath vapors. Read the directions and warnings that came with the adhesive. Be attentive to possible alergic responses such as rashes, breathing difficulties etc. Again, read the instructions and pay attention to any warnings that come with the adhesive.
  • Use Pacer ZAP/CA (pink bottle) which is a super thin fast drying CA. Nothing wicks into joints like ZAP/CA. Just lightly touch up inside the radio bay formers. Wick the CA into the triangle or square stock joints around the formers.
  • For plywood joints or where you want a small fillet of adhesive, use Pacer ZAP-A-GAP CA+ which is a medium thickness CA+. ZAP-A-GAP CA+ loves plywoods and tolerates acidic PH, dirt, oil, pitch, resin, other adhesives, surface roughness and gap joint better than any CA we have ever used. It does not wick as well as ZAP/CA but it is better for the rougher joints, plywoods, laminates, hardwoods and wherever a small fillet is desired after a primary bond has formed. 
  • After applying the ZAP/CA and ZAP-A-GAP CA+, give a the fuselage radio bay a fine mist blast of ZIP KICKER from about 12" away. Use the hand pump spritzer with a vigorous 1 or two pumps or a brief shot from the new ZIP KICKER aerosol dispenser. Set the fuselage aside for a minute and you are done.

This method adds very very little weight, gives you that extra reassurance you were looking for and is clean, neat and effective.